Okocare name origin

It has been a while I was aspiring to open a home care company of my own. One main reason it was put on a hiatus is because I did not know what to name it, I would think of a name, love it that day, but the next day would not like it anymore.

So, I started writing down my keywords. Its birthplace is Okotoks, but not quite convinced to name it “Big Rock”. I wanted to be short and catchy, easy enough to remember, yet powerful.

Okocare is named after the town of Okotoks, and is loved by many… when they hear or say “Okocare”, that person will surely put a smile on their face.

The Letter O and What It Means

The energy represented by the letter O resonates with the ideas of patience and responsibility. It is also curious. The energy tends to express its concept of personal freedom, nurturing, and self-determination.

First letter

Life tends to be approached with idealism and moral standards. Focused self-discipline and firm willpower are likely to be strong in this approach to life.

Last letter

Projects tend to get a disciplined and responsible conclusion. Projects willingly accepted are likely to be completed, barring circumstances making it impossible.

First vowel

Harmony, a happy home, and moral standards are essential. Respect for rules and acceptable behaviour are also likely to be important.

The meaning of the letter O, we live with these values, and we strive everyday to be kind, if kindness is not around, to be the kindness, and to pass on kindness.

Abigail Feldrihan.

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