Harrison Ford once said:

They will criticize you for what you are, for what you are not, and for what they think you are.
They will judge you for what you do, for what you don’t do, and for what you fail to do. They will talk about you for what you say and for what you keep silent about.
They will point at you for your successes and for your mistakes, for your decisions and for your doubts. No matter how much you try to please, there will always be opinions.
So, live for yourself, because in the end, the only thing that matters is being true to your own path.


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.”

#serenity prayer

If you’ve experienced trauma leading to mental health issues, you are not responsible for the problem, but you are responsible for being part of the solution.

“Many people live their lives by circumstance rather than on purpose.”

“Stop trying to control how you feel, and instead take control of what you can do”

#a purpose driven life.


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